General Ulysses Grant Speaks in Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill Post 6 is proud to host General and President Ulysses S. Grant, portrayed by Dr. Curt Fields,  for an evening with fellow veterans to discuss the Union Army and politics of his day.

Yes, the American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6 Speaker Series is excited to welcome another quality portrayer of a distinguished former member of the United States Armed Forces.

Dr. Curt Fields has portrayed General and President Grant in 22 states as he travels the nation presenting his portrayal of General and President Ulysses S. Grant.

Grant at Brownsville, TN 2013

“As a Living Historian, Dr. Fields portrayed General Grant at the 150th Sesquicentennial observations of: Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House, VA,

  • He portrays General Grant in the Visitor Center film that is shown at Appomattox Court House National Historic Park.
  • He was featured as General Grant, and as a Grant authority, in the Discovery Channel three-part documentary series “How Booze Built America” (With Mike Rowe)
  • Dr. Fields portrays General Grant, giving his life story, on the Civil War Trust website in the 1in4 series of biographies and significant places and events the distinguished Civil War Trust has established.”

This is sure to be an evening to remember.  If you were here for General Pershing, you are going to be thrilled at what is coming to Post 6 in October!  Mark your calendars. Bring along your high schoolers, too. History was made right here in Orange County at Bennett Place near Durham Station when the last major CSA force surrendered. Yes, Orange County, because Durham County was part of Orange! Did you know: Durham County was formed on April 17, 1881!

In the past, our Living Historian portrayers have spoken to a “full house.”  We invite area military veterans, students, and friends to join us at our Post Home at 

3700 NC 54W Chapel Hill, NC 27516


Join us for an evening with General and President Grant as he reflects upon his careers in the Army and Politics.

Monday, 14 October 2024 – 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Tickets are just $15. Sign up today and pay in advance on this website.  We will publish a link on this page that will let you purchase your tickets online.

Yes, you can “Pay at the door”, but you might be inviting a standing room only seat.  Our Post Commander will surely accommodate last-minute decisions to see the show.  But, remember, seating is limited. Refreshments?  Yes, they are available.

For more information or special assistance, contact Robert Medred at  919-883-6000. Or, send him an email at [email protected] or [email protected]

For more information on Dr. Curt Fields, visit his website.

Learn more about General and President Grant.

Download our event flyer and share this opportunity with friends.

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