Tim Ross

Tim Ross

Tim Ross has served as Post First Vice Commander and as Membership Chairman.  He has also worked very hard at revitalizing the post through new activities, the Post pond, and membership.

Highlights of his contributions include:

  • Rebuilding post vitality through program development
  • Increasing membership through programs that match members with Post projects.
  • Building Post community awareness through community service.
  • Involving Triangle Fly Fishers with VA Medical Center veterans for Healing Waters Fishing and for Boy Scouts for troop development.
  • Promoting the use of Post facilities by Boy and Cub Scouts, which led to the chartering of Troop 505 and Crew 505.  (Troop 505 was honored as North Carolina Troop of the Year by the American Legion, Department of North Carolina.)
  • Restoration of the Post pond by restocking the pond and improving the fish habitat.
  • Involving post members and encouraging assumption of positions of greater responsibility

We are honored to have local veterans such as Tim Ross take on the difficult and time-consuming tasks that build the Post.  In his case, he went far beyond that expected and often at significant personal expense.  This is why he is one of our Post Heroes.