Post Elections – May 14th

Elections of new Post Officers takes place annually at the Post’s Annual Meeting on May 14th, 2024.  Polls open at 5:30 p.m. and close promptly at 7:00 p.m.  Sorry, you must be present to vote, there are no mail-in ballots,  and there is no early voting.  Post Elections are an important part of our organizational structure.  The process is simple, yet complicated and the process may generate confusion.  This summary can help you navigate the process and find additional resources (at bottom this page).

  1. A Post Officer’s Nominating Committee was  appointed to consider and select officers as officer candidates.  Any member can be considered as a candidate for an officer position.  The Committee’s report is theirs alone and is provided to the Post Executive Committee (PEC) at their April Meeting and is then announced to the General Membership at their meeting on the second Tuesday of April.  This is known as the Slate of Officers.
    1. The Slate of Officers  is formed by a majority vote of the committee.  It reflects their list of recommended officer nominees.  If a majority vote is not possible for an officer position, the committee will not provide a nominee to the membership of the best qualified to serve in that position. 
      1. A nominating committee reports to the assembly only nominees approved by a majority vote of the committee.  No action is taken on the report of nominating committee.  Nominations from the floor are always in order after nominating committee has reported.” (Res.2.)
      2. Members of a nominating committee may be nominated for office without resigning from the committee.” (Res.2.)
  2. The final Slate of Officers creates the proposed ballot.  
    1. Any current post member (dues are current and paid before the April Post General Meeting) may be nominated for any position from the floor (open Assembly).  
    2. Nominations do not have to be seconded.
      1. Nominees accept or reject the nomination to be elected. (Res.2.)
      2. Members can self-nominate; no second is required.
        1. The membership is asked three times, for each officer position, “Are there any other nominations from the floor?”   After announcing this to the Assembly three times and hearing no further nominations, the nominations for that position are declared closed.  
        2. Upon completion of the call for nominations for each position, the nominations are closed.
        3. The election ballot includes the Nominating Committee recommendations PLUS nominations from the floor.
        4. If the Nominating Committee report is presented and no position is contested, the slate of officers can be voted on by acclimation at the May General Membership Meeting.  A vote by use of a ballot would not be required.
          1. For 2024, there are one or more contested positions and, therefore, an election by secret ballot is required.
      3. There are no nominations accepted on Election Day at the Post Annual Meeting.
        1. “The elective ballot alone elects.  Mistakes made in nominating do not invalidate elections, as you may vote for whom you please, regardless of nominations.”  (Res.2.)
  3. The Ballot.  If there are no nominees from the floor at the April General Membership Assembly, the ballot is created from the Slate of Officers.
    1. An unopposed Slate of Officers can be presented at the Annual Post Meeting in June and the Slate can be accepted as unopposed and all candidates voted by Acclimation. 
    2. If the ballot has more than one candidate for a position (additional candidates were nominated from the floor), the election is by secret ballot.
    3. The ballot, the Slate of Officers and additional candidates from the floor are published to post members before the election.
    4. Each position contains space for write-in votes.
    5. A sample ballot is online for you to view today.  Sorry, you must be present to vote.  There are no mail-in ballots or early voting.
  4. The Election Process.  Elections are held by ballot the Annual Post Meeting on the Second Tuesday of May. Polls open at 5:30 p.m. Elections close at  7 p.m. and votes are counted.  A Report of the Election Committee is made to the Post Commander after the conduct of essential business and action(s) relating to changes in Post Constitution and Bylaws, if any.
    1. Post Commander position special background information from the candidates.    Click here to view. Publication pending.  
    2. Candidate profiles and photos are posted online.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW
  5.  Installation of Officers.  The installation of officers can take place in June.  The District Commander, District 12, or the District Vice Commander, will install new officers.
    1. New officers assume their duties at the July Post Meeting. (Res.2.)

The above is a summary of the process and procedures of Post Elections.  Refer to Chapel Hill Post No. 6 Constitution and Bylaws, 2024, for additional information.  In addition, see “Resources (Res.),” below.

Preparing for service as a Post Officer.  Are you thinking about serving as a post officer?  Positions are open to every member.  Your military service and post-service work may make you the ideal candidate.  During the year there may be an opening in one of the many Post Executive Committee (PEC).  Replacements are selected by the PEC members and appointed to fill the remaining part of a vacant position.  Selectees are often found on post committees, and there are many to choose from.  Take a look at what this year’s candidates are doing in the post.  Committee service and volunteer service will prepare you, create exposure, and maybe an opportunity for District or Department service.  The American Legion grows its own.


  1. American Legion Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies, Parliamentary Procedures, Part IV.  Nominations and Elections
  2. Chapel Hill Post No. 6, American Legion, Incorporated, Constitution and Bylaws 2024
  3. Slate of Officers Post Year 2023-24 and report.
  4. Post No. 6 Officer Candidates for Post Year 2024-25.
  5.  Sample Post 6 Ballot    (actual ballot format may vary).   
  6. Post Commander Candidate statements