Auxiliary News

I hope you and your families are doing well despite COVID-19. On March 10, 2020 Gov. Cooper declared a state of emergency to coordinate a
response to prevent the spread beginning of COVID-19. The Stay at Home Order became effective on March 30, 2020. It has been a long road but I think we are approaching a turning point.

Tomorrow we are hoping to hear good news from Gov. Cooper. He is expected to declare that Phase 2 will begin Friday May 22 at 5:00 PM. Let us hope that this is the beginning of our recovery from this terrible pandemic.

This order allows beauty salons, nail salons, barbershops and restaurants to re-open as well as other businesses. There will be new rules to follow and social distancing will still be with us but at least it is a start!

As you know the Grand Opening of our new Post Home which was scheduled for April 18, was cancelled. Work continued and we have received the of Certificate of Occupancy. The new Post 6 is a
beautiful building in its own right but it rose to an even higher level when the furnishings arrived. Our own Jo Ellen Munsee and Barbara Baker served on the Design Committee and had a major
positive influence in that area. I know you you will be suitably impressed when you see it for the first time. It is a place you will be proud to call your Post home.

Our new Auxiliary room is 660 sq. feet of “wonderful!” It is spacious and very well lit thanks to the natural light which streams into the room through the many large windows. Our views include the gazebo, patio and 4 acre pond. There will be a fire pit too! All we have to do is step through the double doors and we are there. We have very comfortable chairs (yes they even match), a storage room and even an office. Barbara Baker and her husband Don put the shelving units for the storage room together Saturday. They were quickly filled.

We now have an Auxiliary room where we can comfortably meet and have fun.

The National Conventions for both the American Legion and the Auxiliary have been cancelled. That means there will be not be an election of officers and current officers will remain in place until the 2021 Convention. New officers will be elected at that time. The same thing holds true for the NC Auxiliary. There will not be a convention or elections. Local Posts have been advised to follow the same procedure. Things are a bit different at the ALA local level. We have been directed to hold our election at the first meeting we are able have. If we to have a meeting in June we will have the election and installation of officers at that time.

Both Girls State and Boys State were cancelled. Pat Simmons and I interviewed 5 girls. Some candidates we met in person and others we interviewed via Zoom. It was our intention to
send all of these girls to Girls State this year. Needless to say they were disappointed when the program was cancelled. But, all was not lost. The Tar Heels Girls State Commission has decided to hold a Virtual Girls State on Wednesday, June 17 from 9:00 AM til noon. There will be a few additional requirements added (i.e. a small service program) to receive their certificate.

Due to the pandemic and social distancing restrictions we will not have a Memorial Day program this year but that does not mean we will forget those who gave their lives for our freedom. Their sacrifices and those of their families will never be forgotten.

National Poppy Day takes place this Friday, May 22. The National Auxiliary is hosting a Virtual National Poppy Day celebration!

You can join the Celebration by going to ( on May 22 at noon. It will show up as a watch party. For now, you can go to the National Facebook page, find the NPD event, and click attending.

I hope you have a great weekend and take time to honor our fallen warriors on Memorial Day.

Stay well and be safe!

Cathy Ladd, President